Hello once again Newgrounds, this is DougApproved with an IMPORTA...well ok post I guess. Well I noticed that I don't have any videos on my Newground account, which kinda upsets me because of the fact that I constantly work on videos. I mean I have a few audio submissions (more coming soon) and they have some decent scores, but I don't think it is enough. The only video that I took part in was The All Sprites Collab, and I wasen't a co-author, so it doesn't show up in my Flash submissions box. So the only way you could tell that I was in it, is if you watched it already, or your reading this and you just found out. It also won an award, which is pretty sweet, but once again I wasen't a co-author, so yeah. I am working on a sprite film (I don't care if you don't like sprite movies, I do, so I'm making one) and I'm working on a Flash Cartoon series. I'm not sure when I will post all this stuff, but I'm working my ass off. Well thats it for now, ta ta Newgrounds. Until next time.
Oh, and heres a random Flash drawing. Peace.
You're lieing. Don't lie.
Hey just because I haven't posted anything in a while doesn't mean I'm done with posting forever.