Well basically it all started a few years back (not to specific on when but oh well) and I was just starting to get more familar with the internet. Then I came across Newgrounds again. The reason for me saying again is because i remember Newgrounds from even a longer time ago (still not sure when.) Basically I just saw Newgrounds as a home for people who were in love with video games, and hentai. But never judge a book by it's cover. A couple years ago I got back on Newgrounds and saw it from a different perspective. I then realized that Newgrounds is more then what I thought it to be. Newgrounds was the start of many famous things. For Example Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, Charlie the Unicorn, The Awesome series, and other great animations and games. Now that I have an account on Newgrounds, I want to contribute to this site, sure it would be great to give myself a bigger name through Newgrounds, so that I could meet and talk to famous people like, Egorapter, MindChamber, The-Swain, Stamper, JohhnyUtah, and Tom Fulp himself. But I would rather enjoy just being a driving force behind Newgrounds, instead of always talking about me, talking about what I can do for Newgrounds. Now I don't really know where to start with this, so currently I have taken part in a couple collab's, The Sprites Collab, and the Castle Crashers Collab. I can only hope that these Collab's can help me with my struggle to become known, and to help a already amazing site. To Newgrounds, Tom Fulp, and everyone else who has made this site so wonderful to be a part of, thank you for being there. I'm always DougApproving everything, so I can only hope the Newgrounds will approve DougApproved.